American Air Museum in Britain media-380612

« American Air Museum in Britain media-380623 PV-21-februari-1944 American Air Museum in Britain media-380612 Paginas-van-6919353_Box114_Folder4-Kubinski Kubinski »
Object beschrijving
Airmen of the 448th Bomb Group examine bullet holes in the side of their B-24 Liberator (serial number 42-7746) nicknamed “Bag O’ Bolts” after a mission. Image stamped on reverse: 'Associated Press.' [stamp], 'Reviewed and passed 23 Feb 1944.' [stamp], 'Not to be published until 27/2/44.' [stamp] and '307110.' [Censor no.] Printed caption on reverse: 'AFIRE RIDDLED BY 400 BULLET HOLES "BAG O' BOLTS" COMES HOME ON TWO ENGINES. Riddled by four hundred bullet holes, its waist section gutted by fire and one of its remaining two engines still aflame, the Liberator, "Bag O' Bolts" presented an amazing sight as it returned to base after taking part in Monday's raid on Germany. Attacked near the target, the bomber was thrown out of position when flak set no 4 engine on fire, cut the power of no 1 engine, put all the turrets out of commission, and started a raging fire amidships. The pilot nevertheless made a second bombing run and, while the crew fought the fire, dropped his load on the target. He then dived the ship to "deck" and flew all the way home within 20 to 25 feet of the ground although chased by four Germany fighters who gave up once they ran out of ammunition. Two of the crew were wounded and a third, believing the dive to "deck" meant a crash, bailed out. Associated Press Photo Shows: Crewmen of the Liberator, "Bag O' Bolts", examines some of the holes in the side of the ship. They are (left to right): ball turret gunner S/S Keith C Tindall, of Kiowa, Colo: Engineer and top turret gunner T/S Donald V Birdsall of Wells Bridge, NY, and Radio operator Joe K Corziatti, of 531 Polk Street, Mcalester, Okla. '
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    Kubinski (VC)
  • Object beschrijving:
    Airmen of the 448th Bomb Group examine bullet holes in the side of their B-24 Liberator (serial number 42-7746) nicknamed “Bag O’ Bolts” after a mission. Image stamped on reverse: 'Associated Press.' …